Friday 11 September 2020

Week 8 highlights

 This week we finally finished our puppets!!! We were really busy making outfits, making more hair and much more. But thanks to Mr. Kelly we got them finished fast! So we thanked him for helping us. We made him cards! We made him go out of the class room for a bit and used colours and paper to decorate them! Miss. H got some chocolates and surprised him with them after lunch. This week we also did some tennis with our coach Hans. We learnt how and about the 4 hand,but it turns out that for the 4 hand you only use 1 hand! Some of us said we use 4 hands! Haha!  We enjoyed having a challenge against each other, our coaches were Mr. Kelly and Miss.H. Hans was keeping track of the points. We also did some shopping role playing! We loved being shopkeepers and customers! The boys were the customers and the girls were the shopkeepers. We also did some more  code cracking for the L.G.L (Little Garden League) It said…..  ‘‘The secret is out. The little garden league has been discovered. Fellow Members stay alert. Our seedlings must survive.Teach others in your whanau to protect and care for their seedling.’’ - Little garden league, code 2  2020. The clue is.... ‘‘Remember your pledge’’ 

Congratulations to...

Freya, Alyssa and Claudia For their amazing work this week!

Our certificate winners. 

Written by Nitya

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