Friday 18 September 2020

The Little Garden

 The Little Garden

The Little Garden is Room 1’s secret garden, where Room 1 grows vegetables. Room 1’s biggest secret is the students get to wear badges. When our vegetables are fully grown we get to make a stir fry or a stew. I think it’s going to be delicious! There are a whole bunch of different vegetables like spinach and other things. Do you like vegetables at least one? Room 1’s vegetables are growing super fast and we hope Room 1’s vegetables will grow super fast! We started in week 7 to grow vegetables and the tallest seedling is 11 centimeters! That seedling is Nic’s. Room 1 is so happy with all of our seedlings and mine is starting to sprout! Room 1 and Little Garden HQ are teaming up with Room 1 and they sent Room 1 special codes that Room 1 has to solve. It's different but it’s amazing!

Written by Freya.

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