Friday 25 September 2020

The Glow Show

 On Thursday we went to a glow show and it was about under the sea. The best part was when the sea orchion turned into a pearl and  at the end we got to ask questions. The show took 1 hour so the actors would take a lot of time to practice. They made the costumes with glow in the dark paint.  It was pretty funny and I liked the part when the wishing star showed up. It was  amazing for us. We were so excited and we had a glow show last year and it was about matariki.  

In the middle an octopus met the sea urchion and said where did you come from and the sea urchion said from cucumber island and then the queen come and the octopus said quick go behind me and then the queen said hello have you seen a sea urchin and he said umm ooh i saw  a sea urchin go to Fiji and the queen said we've been in Fiji and then the queen left. At the end the queen turned into a squid and got eaten. It was pretty funny and fun and it was very cool. 

By Ihaka and Sophie

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