Thursday 17 December 2020

Week 9 highlights

 Week 9 highlights 

Hello fellow readers! This is Nicholas and Nitya telling you about week 9!

First of all, we are going to tell you about Year 4’s EOTC (Education outside the classroom) day!

Our first activity was Rock climbing! We met 2 people, Geoff and Shannon.  First they told us the rules. Then they taught us how to put a harness on.  After, we could get into groups of 3 and  each group took turns climbing the wall, To get the harness on, the other 2 members helped the person who was climbing, put their harness on. 

Another exciting activity we did was a scooby doo bouncy obstacle course. We got into three  teams.  Then we went through the obstacle course three times and the first team who got through the obstacle the quickest would win. 

We also had a middle team water day where the activities were water based.

We also had a craft rotation where we went to different classes to do art. 

Lastly we did these jars where we made snow globes, gift jars, stationery jars and pot plants for our parents. 

Week 8 Highlights

 This week we did some really awesome things such as,

The Tryathlon,

On Wednesday we had the Weetbix Tryathlon where four people from our class went to compete. This involved swimming, biking and running.

Year three EOTC day,

A company called Youthtown came in for the year three’s EOTC day. They went to the auditorium and the bottom court and played active games like paper scissors rock and rob the nest.

While the Year 3's did Youthtown the Year 4's got to play some games in class and did some painting and crafts. 

By Liam and Erin

Monday 30 November 2020

Self portraits

 Today we recreated our self portraits to see how much we have improved in our drawing skills. 

First we had to practice drawing our nose, eyes,eyebrows, ears and mouth.

Once we've done that we had to go on our real one and start drawing the face.

We use Vivid to outline and pastels to colour.

By Liam

Friday 27 November 2020

Week 7 Highlights

 Week 7 Highlights

What did we do this week?

On Thursday we had class photos with PhotoLife. We have brought home an order form if you would like to buy the photos!

Duffy Theater

On Friday we went to a Duffy show. It was in the school auditorium.

It was a very funny story because in the show they did some very funny acts and all the students were laughing.  It was also very cool because they did these background transitions. Everyone was also very excited for the show. At the end we clapped very hard because of how hard they worked to present this for us. 

Thank you Duffy books!

By Cheyenna and Nic

Dress up day

Today  we dressed up as our favorite book characters. We all took a photo with our cool costumes. Everyone loved looking at them at morning tea and lunch. Some people dressed as Cat in the Hat, Ella Diaries, harry potter, spiderman, willy wonka, princess, snow cat and black cat, rey from star wars, thing 1 and thing 2, tiger, witch, mr snake form bad guys, rander, fairies , tintin, dragon killer, Harly Quinn, wheres wally, vampire, ninja, hulk, wonder woman. They were all so amazing. Sophie dressed up as ella diaries. Alyssa dressed up as the cat in the hat and the teachers dressed up as lots of things that they loved. The teachers had to take a photo too. They looked so cool. Some people were really creative and made some of their stuff on them. They had so much fun running around looking at them.

By Alyssa and Sophie 

Congratulations to Punjab, Jasleen, Erana, Emma, Nitya for getting certificates.

What is on next week?

Tuesday is the 1st of December!

Wednesday some children are going to the Weet-bix Tryathlon. 

Thursday the Year 3's are going to Ray Small Park to do Youthtown activities for their EOTC day (Education Out of The Classroom).

Friday we get our last Duffy books for the year!

Friday 20 November 2020

Week 6 Highlights

This week we did some pretty amazing things like…


On the 17th we went to do some cricket basics. We learnt how to catch a ball, aim at the target and we learnt to swing a cricket bat.

Bug Art 

Today we did bug art. We had to pick a coloured piece of paper that we painted last week and a bug that we wanted to make. 

Trying Radishes 

Yesterday we tried some radish. Lots of us said it was spicy and disgusting. But some of us liked it.
If you want to see more go to our blogs and check out our radish writing.


 School photos are on the 26th 
Book fair all week in library 
Book character dress up on the 27th ( Make sure you bring a gold coin donation)


Friday 13 November 2020

Highlights Week 5

 Hello everyone!! It’s us, room 1, Telling you about our amazing week 5!!

After our amazing weekend, the start of a new, cool week came. We are going to be swimming next Monday, which means we’re going to swim every single day! On Friday we did some really cool art! We did firework art because on Saturday it’s Diwali! On Wednesday we did some bug posters and bug animations. We were all buddied up by the bug we wanted to choose. We made a poster with facts about the bug we chose, then we made animations about the bug’s life cycle. After that, we put a link in on our poster which led to our bug animations. We were learning about making an image a link. On Friday we also did some really cool art with complementary colors. We made those into special paper that we might use to make colourful bugs. 

By Nitya