Thursday 17 December 2020

Week 9 highlights

 Week 9 highlights 

Hello fellow readers! This is Nicholas and Nitya telling you about week 9!

First of all, we are going to tell you about Year 4’s EOTC (Education outside the classroom) day!

Our first activity was Rock climbing! We met 2 people, Geoff and Shannon.  First they told us the rules. Then they taught us how to put a harness on.  After, we could get into groups of 3 and  each group took turns climbing the wall, To get the harness on, the other 2 members helped the person who was climbing, put their harness on. 

Another exciting activity we did was a scooby doo bouncy obstacle course. We got into three  teams.  Then we went through the obstacle course three times and the first team who got through the obstacle the quickest would win. 

We also had a middle team water day where the activities were water based.

We also had a craft rotation where we went to different classes to do art. 

Lastly we did these jars where we made snow globes, gift jars, stationery jars and pot plants for our parents. 

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