Friday 13 November 2020

Highlights Week 5

 Hello everyone!! It’s us, room 1, Telling you about our amazing week 5!!

After our amazing weekend, the start of a new, cool week came. We are going to be swimming next Monday, which means we’re going to swim every single day! On Friday we did some really cool art! We did firework art because on Saturday it’s Diwali! On Wednesday we did some bug posters and bug animations. We were all buddied up by the bug we wanted to choose. We made a poster with facts about the bug we chose, then we made animations about the bug’s life cycle. After that, we put a link in on our poster which led to our bug animations. We were learning about making an image a link. On Friday we also did some really cool art with complementary colors. We made those into special paper that we might use to make colourful bugs. 

By Nitya

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