Friday, 27 November 2020

Week 7 Highlights

 Week 7 Highlights

What did we do this week?

On Thursday we had class photos with PhotoLife. We have brought home an order form if you would like to buy the photos!

Duffy Theater

On Friday we went to a Duffy show. It was in the school auditorium.

It was a very funny story because in the show they did some very funny acts and all the students were laughing.  It was also very cool because they did these background transitions. Everyone was also very excited for the show. At the end we clapped very hard because of how hard they worked to present this for us. 

Thank you Duffy books!

By Cheyenna and Nic

Dress up day

Today  we dressed up as our favorite book characters. We all took a photo with our cool costumes. Everyone loved looking at them at morning tea and lunch. Some people dressed as Cat in the Hat, Ella Diaries, harry potter, spiderman, willy wonka, princess, snow cat and black cat, rey from star wars, thing 1 and thing 2, tiger, witch, mr snake form bad guys, rander, fairies , tintin, dragon killer, Harly Quinn, wheres wally, vampire, ninja, hulk, wonder woman. They were all so amazing. Sophie dressed up as ella diaries. Alyssa dressed up as the cat in the hat and the teachers dressed up as lots of things that they loved. The teachers had to take a photo too. They looked so cool. Some people were really creative and made some of their stuff on them. They had so much fun running around looking at them.

By Alyssa and Sophie 

Congratulations to Punjab, Jasleen, Erana, Emma, Nitya for getting certificates.

What is on next week?

Tuesday is the 1st of December!

Wednesday some children are going to the Weet-bix Tryathlon. 

Thursday the Year 3's are going to Ray Small Park to do Youthtown activities for their EOTC day (Education Out of The Classroom).

Friday we get our last Duffy books for the year!