Monday 16 March 2020

Water Safety

During swimming time we have been learning how to be safe in water and how to look after ourselves if we get into trouble in water. During this lesson half the class made waves by moving their bodies back and forward and by kicking in the water. The other half had to try and float on their backs for 1 minute. This is what it would be similar to if we fell off a boat into the ocean. We learnt from this how important it is to wear a life jacket all the time when you are on a boat. It was really hard to us to stay afloat during this time, we got tired and water kept splashing in our faces. We then practiced putting out hand in the air while floating as this is the signal for HELP. This was really hard to do! We struggled to float with a hand in the air!

Have you ever been in a situation where you have needed this skill?

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