One of the first things we learn to do in Maths is count. The follow up learning to that is identifying numbers, ordering numbers and matching the correct about of objects to a number. Once we are able to do that we can start to learn other key knowledge ideas, such as identifying before and after numbers and reading and understanding Maths equations (3+2=).
A great way to help your child learn their numbers to 10 and then to 20 at home is to have number cards that they can put in order. You can make these cards fun and relate them to you child's interest (write numbers on trains, Ninja Turtles, butterflies). You can use these as flash cards to see what numbers they know and then get them to put them in order, start basic to get them confident with numbers to 5, then to 10, 15 and 20. Encourage children to recheck what they have done by counting as they go along. Once the numbers are in the correct order they can then match objects to each number. For example, 5 bees matches to the number 5. This activity can be done independently as you cook dinner. Children will often find and make up other activities as they play and this is all apart of their learning.
Click here to see some videos of children ordering numbers, recounting as they go along, matching objects and one child even decided she would order the numbers in 2's.
Click here to get the Bear and Honey Pot activity as seen in the videos. There are many other Maths activities on this site.
Ordering numbers and counting as she goes.
Counting the bees in the Honey Pot and matching to numbers.
First attempt at ordering numbers in 2's. Can you see how she is counting in 1's, but knows a number needs to be missed?
Ordering numbers in 2's.
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