Tuesday 17 May 2016

Puppet Play

We are learning to tell stories with puppets. 

 Last week we were playing with puppets in class. I modeled how we can use puppets to retell and mix up a story we will already know.

We were telling the story of Little Red Riding Hood, but this time Grandma broke into Mr Wolf's house because she could smell delicious cookies. When Mr Wolf found Granny eating his cookies that he stole from Little Red they started to fight and snatch the last cookie back and forward. We then paused the story to think of an ending.

We wanted a happy ending for the wolf, a different ending that is happy for Grandma and then an ending that is happy for all the characters.

Mr Wolf's happy ending:
Little Red came running in the door to rescue Granny, but she fell over and pushed Granny into a pot of boiling water. Mr Wolf then cooked them both up and ate them for dinner!

Granny's happy ending:
As they were snatching the cookies back and forward Granny pulled so hard that Mr Wolf went flying into a pot of boiling water. Then Granny left eating the last cookie.

A happy ending for all:
Little Red saw them fighting and told them that fighting over one cookie is silly. She said, "You can cut the cookie up and share it. I will teach you how to make your own cookies so you don't have to steal and fight!"

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