Thursday 22 October 2020

Week 2 Highlights

 Swimming starts on Tuesday! Yay!

  Hello!!! As you can tell today I am writing about swimming. Our swimming days are going to be Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday we have not started swimming yet so I don't know what we are doing yet but I am sure we will do something fun. At the beginning of the year when we did swimming we got split up into groups and the different groups did different things one of the things we did was float on our backs and a lot more. We also did some really cool shadow bug art. We had to pick a bug and draw an outline of it onto white paper. We then put pushed it down onto black paper and drew the outline again. Then we cut it out and glued onto colourful paper.

We were lucky to have Friday off before the long weekend while the teachers had a teacher only day.

I wonder what everyone will get up to on their 4 days off school?

Well done to the children who got certificates this week!
Kaylan, Brayden, Gurbaz and Sophie

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