Friday 22 May 2020

Week 6 Highlights

Welcome back to school! 

It feels great getting back into the swing of things. The students have readjusted well and are enjoying being back. 

This week we have been sharing stories and our experience in lockdown. We have written some amazing recounts and letters to document what I hope is a once of a life time experience. We have also made a Covid-19 Time Capsule to save special photos, thoughts, feelings and memories. I have also done this task with my 3 year old daughter in the hope of saving it to look back on when she is older. Please save a copy, add to it, print it or whatever if you want to save the memories. There are also some questions for your children to ask you if you have the time. 

This weeks certificates go to: 
Grace, Erin, Brayden and Claudia. Congratulations!

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