Friday, 28 June 2019

Our trip to Motat

On the 27th of June we went to Motat for a school trip. We were there to learn about how things balance. We learnt a lot of things about the olden days as well. 

Thank you very much Motat for letting us come.

Thank you to the bus drivers and tram driver, Rob.

Thank you to the parent helpers!

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Autumn Art

Come check out Autumn art that is hanging in our classroom. 
We used a range of techniques to create different pieces of art. 



Today I went to Hawkins theater just across the road.Nearly the whole entire school went. I had fun watching The Matariki Glow show. When I was watching the show The thing I liked about The Matariki show was the acting. In moari culture Matariki to them is happy new years so they celebrate Matariki for representing a new year.Sometimes celebrations of Matariki can last for 3 or 4 days.If you also didn’t know Matariki is also a legend ,their legend name is “eyes of god” but their username that we call them is Matariki. In our year 2019 we can also celebrate Matariki even today! Cause like I said Matariki can last either 3 or 4 days and Matariki was yesterday! The time is 10:00 am in the midnight.

 Room 1's collaborative art for Matariki: