Tuesday 21 August 2018

Shapes - Āhua

This song teaches children about shapes in Te Reo Maori.
Tapatoru (triangle)
Toru (Three 3)
Tapawha (rectangle)
Tapawha rite (square)
Wha (Four 4)
Porohita also porowhita (circle)

While singing you can draw the shapes in the air with your fingers.

Tapatoru. Tapatoru.
Tapawha. Tapawha.
Tapawha rite. Tapawha rite.
Porohita. Porohita.
Tapatoru. Tapatoru.
Tapawha. Tapawha.
Tapawha rite. Tapawha rite.
Porohita. Porohita.

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