Friday, 26 June 2020

Week 11 Highlights

This weeks certificates go to:
Jasleen, Sirat, Ewan and Gurbaz

We finally had a day this term with all students present! So we captured a class photo.

From left to right, and back row to front row. 

JJ, Emmet, Grace, Jasleen, Kaylan, Sophie, Claudia, Freya, Sirat
Ihaka, Vavega, Alyssa, Erin, Arsh, Punjab, Gurbaz, Ivy, Cheyenna, Diljot
Nicholas, Emma-Marie, Ewan, Manvir, Nitya, Liam, Brayden

Thursday, 25 June 2020

What have we been learning about in reading?

We are learning about compound words.

We are learning to infer.

We are learning to summarise.

We are learning to read with expression and use speech bubbles. 

Monday, 22 June 2020

Week 10 Highlights

This weeks certificates go to:
Freya, Nic, Ihaka, Vavega. 

This week we have started learning about fractions. We worked in groups to solve the questions below. We used strips of paper and scissors to cut the 'chocolate' up to share with our friends.  We need to remember to fold the paper before cutting to make sure it is fair. Noone wants to be given a smaller piece of chocolate than their friends. We are learning the words 'half' and 'quarter' when talking about what we did. 

On Friday afternoon we had a "crafternoon" (crafts in the afternoon). We got lots of resources and got creative! 

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Class Profile

We love learning about everything and posting our learning to our blogs. We think we are the best dancers in the school. Just Dance is our favourite thing on Youtube and we do it every morning to wake our bodies up. We can't decide on our favourite Just Dance song, but we really enjoy the spooky ones, like 'This is Halloween'. We are also the best class in the school because we are amazing and learn lots of things.

We enjoy doing art on Fridays. We like to draw pictures and paint. One of our favourite art pieces we have done this year was our Stingray Art. We drew a stingray, did patterns on it in vivid and then dyed it a range of colours. 

Make sure to check out all our blogs!

Friday, 12 June 2020

Week 9 Highlights

Welcome to Vavega our new student and Mr Kelly our teacher aid. 

This week has been an exciting one for the Year 3's as their blogs have been set up! With a bit of support they wrote their first post. There was a lot of cheering and clapping when they were all posted. They have been eager to create new learning to share on their blogs which is fantastic. Please check them out! You can find student blogs down the left hand side of our class blog. 

This weeks certificates go to:
Manvir, Arsh, Alyssa, Emma-Marie

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Click here to get new blogging tips.

We are learning how to check to make sure we have made a quality blog post. 

I enjoyed putting the steps into order because it helps me learn. 

Do you remember to do all these steps when you blog? What helps you remember to do them?

Friday, 5 June 2020

Week 8 Highlights

This week our certificates go to
Ivy, Liam, Emmet and Nitya.

What have we been up to this week?

Well we have been learning about how Kupe discovered New Zealand while chasing an octopus who kept eating his bait while he was fishing. We also made some Tapa Cloths designs by cutting shapes and patterns with paper, and then tracing them onto a sheet of paper. They look really cool!

In maths we have been learning about how we can solve multiplication problems by putting objects into an array. We learnt new meanings to the words 'row' and 'columns'. It is important for us to remember which way a row is and which way a column because if we mix them up it changes up the multiplication equation. We learnt a little dance that could help us remember this. 

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Private vs Public information

We are learning about private and public information. You can not put your phone number, address or other private information on your blog or anywhere on the internet.

We enjoyed making this poster and moving the pictures to the correct places.

Have you ever accidentally posted something private to your blog? What was it and did you delete it?

Monday, 1 June 2020

Folk Art Houses

We finally got to finish off our Folk Art Houses that were inspired by an artist called Karla Gerard that we had started before lockdown. To create this we watched a lesson by Cassie Stephens.

First we drew some funky houses. Some were 2D and some were 3D. Next we drew patterns on them. After that we went over the outline with  a vivid. Then we went into lockdown and they sat in the classroom unfinished.

Once we got back to school we used pastels and dye to make our houses colourful. We got to splatter the dye which was lots of fun. 

Do you have any ideas for other funky houses? 
Some of us made houses that were shaped like things - cats, trees, boats and apples.