Tuesday 27 August 2019

Wearable Arts Invitation

We are learning how to display and share information on a Google Drawing. We enjoy making colourful and awesome backgrounds.

Do you think our writing is readable with our backgrounds?
Are you coming to the Wearable Arts Show?
Are you going to be in the show?

Thursday 22 August 2019

Wearable Arts

We have been learning about how to look after our environment. Currently our Earth is polluted with rubbish. We need to make a change!

We were looking at how our rubbish effects Papatuanuku (Mother Earth) and Tangaroa (God of the sea). We also looked at how it effects their children, the animals of the land and sea.

We really enjoyed designing, planning and making our big costumes and our animal masks. We used lots of different materials to make them like material, chip packets, clothes, flowers and paper.

Have you ever made costumes like this?
How do you look after the environment?

Here is a sneak peak at our costumes and an invitation to our shows!

Monday 12 August 2019

Pedal Power

We have been learning about bike safety. Last week someone came in to help the teachers teach us about what to do on a bike. We learnt how to use our hands to indicate which way we are turning. We call our bike time Pedal Power!

We enjoyed riding around the bike track, and playing bike games like 'Red light, Green light.'

Have you done a Pedal Power lesson before?
Can you ride a bike? Room 1 can now all ride a bike!

Monday 5 August 2019

Who am I?

We are learning to describe someone using lots of detail so another person can guess who. We had lots of fun doing this and creating a google slide that slowly reveals who our character is.

Can you guess who we are?