Friday, 29 June 2018

School is number one!

Our Variety Show Performance performed on Friday.
Sorry I can't upload big files onto Blogger so I have trimmed the video into 3 parts.

Part one

Part 2

Part 3

Solving maths problems together

I have 20 lollies and I need to share them evenly onto each quarter of the cake. How many lollies will be on 1/4 of the cake?

Gold Stars

"I like to read and i like to write
Print my name and do it right
Teacher tells me I’m doing well.

I get a gold star cause now i can spell."

Collaboration on an art peice

This term we have been learning about collaboration. Collaboration means, "You work as a team with no boss." - Lily. "When you sit down as a team and you talk about your ideas." - Grace. "When you disagree you tell them nicely." - Erin.

The children have been working together to create a map that they all agreed on. They learnt to solve problems together and what to do when they couldn't agree.