Thursday, 25 August 2016


Bingo is a great game that you can make at home. All you need is paper or card, felts, scissors, bottle tops or pebbles.  You can also print some Bingo cards here or here.

Bingo is popularly known as a game of luck and chance all over the world, but it is a game that has educational value as well. Parents looking for some educational and fun-filled games for their kids can very well opt for bingo. The game meant for kids has nothing to do with gambling and bets. It is a fun way to encourage them to learn many things, such as, numbers, letters, blends and words. Your child will learn the letters of the alphabet in a fun-filled manner without even knowing that he/she is learning something.

Here are some Bingo cards that I quickly made up to show how easy it is and how you can use them. 

Alphabet and Blends

- use random letters and say them aloud without showing your child.
- use scrabble letters and match the capital letters to the lower case letters.
- use pictures, say the word, hear the first sound and find the letter.

High Frequency Words

- draw out random words, say them and your child can find them without looking at the word. 
- you can also do this with rhyming words.


- you can do numbers 1 - 10, 1- 20, 1-50 etc.
- match words to numbers.
- match dots to numbers.
draw out random numbers, say it and your child can find it without looking at the number. 

Friday, 12 August 2016


Room 2 have really enjoyed learning and playing a range of sports and games at school. We have been very lucky to have some experts in these areas come to teach us.

This is what we have enjoyed:

  • leaping on spots
  • throwing bean bags
  • playing on lily pads
  • stuck in the mud
  • playing sports
  • kicking the ball
  • basketball
  • playing soccer on an island
  • bouncing balls
  • kicking the ball like a cheetah
  • sitting on the ball like an egg. 

Writing on the concrete

Chalk Writing on PhotoPeach

Monday, 8 August 2016