Thursday 30 June 2016

Room 2

Room 2 on PhotoPeach

Te Reo Game Time

A few weeks ago some students from Rosehill Intermediate came in to visit the Junior School. They had made some te reo games that they wanted to teach us and then gift to us.

We enjoyed playing these games in small groups. We learnt some new maori words and showed what we already knew.

Thank you Rosehill Intermediate!

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Visiting Harold

Watch this space to see what we are learning about Healthy Living over the next few weeks.
Visiting Harold on PhotoPeach

Room 2 Week 8

Thursday 16 June 2016

Alphabet and Blends cards

These are the cards we use in class to learn the letters of the alphabet, their sounds, basic words and blends. 

Ask your child to sing you our song and show you how they use it to write a simple sentence such as, I am a girl.

We are also learning the alphabet in Sign Language. Click here to learn.